Thursday, January 31, 2013

For The Germaphobe

Ever feel like you need to shower after you've been on a flight? There's something about the recycled air, close quarters and a seat that's been used by countless of strangers that makes it difficult to ever romanticize air travel. I'm hoping to try out this nifty CleanSeat travel seat cover on my next long flight. It folds into a nifty pouch, perfect for those on-the-go!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Photo Album: Take Your Travels to the Presses

Facebook is an easy platform for users to post photos of vacations and create virtual albums. Do you ever create real, hardcopy albums anymore?

I realized how special they truly were after a loved one gifted me a couple of albums of his trips abroad. I got to see the beautiful photos and read captions about the sites' histories and importance. This is an intimate and lovely way to experience the highlights of a journey taken by a family member. Check out album options on Shuttefly, the platform my family used. They are very sleek and professional in their aesthetics!

Call me old-fashioned, but I love a hardcopy photo album - especially one that documents an important trip by someone dear to me! Now I just need to take my own advice and publish my own trips into print!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Practical & The Fashionable

A couple of other accessories I received over the holidays that fit in with my love of travel fall into the practical and fashionable. I have a small black suitcase just like millions of other travelers, and it's often hard to distinguish which one is mine. But now I have an unmissable Magellan's Easy Spot Handle Wrap (with initials). I'll never overlook my bag again as it circles the carousel! How do you distinguish your luggage from the masses?

My fondness for travel accessory bags continues with this gifted Le Pliage Cosmetic Bag from Longchamp. I'll need to be extra careful that powders and creams do not spill in this bag - it's almost too pretty to use!

What's your favorite travel accessory to gift or receive?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Henri Bendel Travel Set

Welcome to 2013! Thank you to my readers who followed me at the start of this blog last autumn. I apologize for my vacation away from this site. I'll be back more frequently now! Thanks for your patience.

I want to share one of my holiday treasures with you. A family member of mine gave me an Henri Bendel travel bag set. This fashionable and functional Go Anywhere Travel Set divides the bags into three sizes with different storage purposes: jewelry items, gadgets and beauty supplies.

My family member thought of all the whirlwind travel I do - and knew these would be perfect for staying organized and stylish. Do you have any packing tips that help you secure and organize your belongings? Did you receive any fun and/or practical travel gifts this winter? More travel accessory posts coming up this week!