Saturday, September 29, 2012

copyright MGM
Cell phones/mobiles. They are omnipresent. If you're lost, you can find maps. If you need help, you can instantly call for backup. How could we live without them?

copyright MGM
However, there are times when the old phone booth conjures a romantic appeal. A tower of sanctuary where the conversation remained private - a shroud of mystery surrounding each caller. In old films, you might see a few accessories that were carried by characters - but you will not see a cell phone, laptop or e-reader. Instead, you'd find an engraved cigarette lighter or a gold, flower-shaped compact.

Fashion designer, Tom Ford, once said "For me, fashion doesn't stop at clothes." So if we think about all the accessories we carry as an extension of our outfit and style - then should we consider items such as cell phone covers? 

copyright MGM
If Cary Grant did not have to dash to the phone booth but instead carried a mobile - you better believe he would consider every detail of the suit his phone wore. What do you use? Is it a naked gadget in your hands or do you have covers you alternate between, depending upon the setting and circumstance? Or are you practical, buying the most industrious ones?
I enjoy this handsome leather one titled "Teatime in Lisbon" by CalypsoCase. Who could resist the name and color? Though instead of tea, I am immediately placed on the train or a wood-paneled lobby with nearby clinks of gin cocktails.

For a more whimsical and feminine touch, I adore the elegant Hampton Rose pattern of Cath Kidston's phone case. It would compliment any of her oilcloth purses, and if you had to check the time at high tea, it would fit the setting quite well. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cary Grant’s iconic gray suit from Hitchcock’s North By Northwest is still as classy today as it was when it journeyed through train stations and those notorious crop fields. Cary Grant’s character didn’t bring a change of clothes or luggage because he had to spontaneously escape. But who needs a spare change of clothes when you are dressed like Cary Grant? His gray suit works for business, adventure and leisure.

A tip of the fedora to Eva Marie Saint! 
(copyright MGM Studios)
As I start this blog community to bring travelers together, I toast Cary Grant's effortless style with his chosen Gibson cocktail.

If you had to wear one outfit for a spontaneous long weekend get-away and could not bring any other wardrobe items, what would you wear and why?
As we are in the start of autumn, I'm thinking I'd include: a Zara trench coat to channel any noir-intrigue along the way, a Loft retro-chic dress and Puma sporty flats because they can handle cobbled stones and any running I might need to do from mysterious agents on the train! I realize Hitchcock and most women would prefer heels or boots, but I'm a sure-footed rebel.

What outfit would suit your needs the most? Do you travel more for business, adventure or leisure? Share here. Let's create a one-outfit trip together!
Wallpaper image from MGM Studios